Kinds of ERP systems: Types of ERP system software available

Kinds of ERP systems: Types of ERP system software available


There are several types of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system software available, each catering to different industries, business sizes, and specific requirements. Here are some common types of ERP system software:

1.General-Purpose ERP: These ERP systems offer comprehensive functionality and can be used by businesses across various industries. They provide modules for core business functions such as finance, human resources, procurement, inventory management, and customer relationship management.

2.Industry-Specific ERP: Some ERP systems are designed specifically for certain industries, such as manufacturing, healthcare, retail, construction, or hospitality. These industry-specific ERP solutions often have specialized features and modules tailored to the unique needs and processes of those industries.

3.Small and Medium-Sized Business (SMB) ERP: These ERP systems are specifically built for small and medium-sized businesses. They focus on affordability, ease of use, and scalability to accommodate the needs and growth of smaller organizations.

4.Cloud-Based ERP: Cloud-based ERP systems, also known as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) ERP, are hosted in the cloud and accessed through web browsers. They offer flexibility, scalability, and reduced infrastructure costs compared to on-premises ERP systems. Cloud-based ERP is particularly popular among businesses seeking agility and remote accessibility.

5.Open-Source ERP: Open-source ERP software provides the source code, allowing users to customize and modify the software according to their specific requirements. This type of ERP system offers flexibility, cost savings, and the ability to leverage a community of developers for support and enhancements.

6.Mobile ERP: Mobile ERP systems are designed to be accessed and used on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. They enable users to access real-time data, perform tasks, and make informed decisions while on the go, enhancing productivity and flexibility.

7.Two-Tier ERP: Two-tier ERP refers to the use of two different ERP systems within an organization. It involves implementing a larger, centralized ERP system for core corporate functions and a smaller, specialized ERP system for specific business units or subsidiaries. This allows organizations to balance global standardization and local requirements.

8.Hybrid ERP: Hybrid ERP combines the use of both on-premises and cloud-based ERP systems. It offers the flexibility to keep sensitive data on-premises while leveraging cloud-based solutions for scalability, mobility, and cost-effectiveness.


It's important to evaluate your business requirements, industry-specific needs, scalability, budget, and implementation considerations when selecting an ERP system software. Consulting with ERP vendors( like hybrid syste and industry experts can help you determine the most suitable type of ERP system for your organization.

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